nak raya ka kerja?

heh.of course everybody opt for raya la kan.raya setahun sekali tue.sapa cakap?
actually is kalau pilih nak raya sangat pun, duet tak masuk pun.tahun depan dah la ada benda meaningful yang memang nakkan duet aku.eventho kalau menabung pn skrg akan dihabiskan untuk benda

so tahun nih aku pilih untuk continue kerja.sebab lama lagi tue nak masuk univ.nanti dah jadi student lagi,dah takda chance dah nak kerja part time camnih aku pun sebenarnya dah plan dengan mama and family was like, "adik kerja raya nih.nanti mama mai raya kat pizza ^_^" aku offer nak belanja.sebab aku takdak amenities cam manager.lantaklah.janji dapat bonus raya.dah syok dah dgn agreement tue (sebab rasa2nya nanti ayah jugak yang bayar.mcm masa wow saver haritue) tapi lanih aku bertambah syiokk.sebab gemuk setuju nak kerja kat pizza as 14 days contract means is nanti kami raya sama2 jugak.takdalah aku nak sedih bagai.tokwan? kampung? tokwan mai ler makan kat sini sama.hihi

till then.dah 0359 dah.takpayah bangun sahur dah sebab baru sudah makan.esok iftar dekat kampung.esok jugak aku post pasal contract staff tersebut.goodmorning

future life.

this is the life
this is so surprising
this is reality
that i ever wanted
this is what i want
yes i get what i want
i get my first choice
university and course
what i ever dream of
being an engineer
graduated from a university
knowing this is just the beginning
i still proud and amazed
cause given the chance
again in my life
cause i know it very well
eventho i passed the requirement
am not qualified enough to study there
but i have to take this opportunity
not because i was given only this university
but am too grateful
cause Allah gave me the best
cause i really want it
ALHAMDULILLAH.praise to Allah

thank u Allah.
cause making my family proud of me
eventho my spm and matriculation results are both their dissappointments
so ive promised everybody
that im changing
cause life is no longer a playfield
i have to change

last word on 13/7/13 1239noon.
its my dad birthday.this is your gift
from zafirah zainon